Cascade Reactions - data provided by Dr. Alexander Parkhomov
Facilitated by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project

Version 5.0, P W Power Sep 28, 2019

Fusion Reactions | Fission Reactions | Two To Two Reactions | All Tables
CascadesAll | Cascades4 | Cascades5Lite | Cascades5 | All Results
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Cascades: Uses the original Fusion and TwoToTwo Tables only

Lists all energetically favourable reactions that cascade from both the input and the output nuclei from one or more reactions defined by the Core (starting) Query.

Computer resources saving version: It will still SAVE all your results on the file but it will DISPLAY only a summary

Maximmum number of nuclei to be tried in all pairings as inputs to both the Fusion and the TwoToTwo reaction tables:

Maximum number of loops to be used in the recursion process (too many will produce runaway):

Maximum Reactor Temperature (Kelvin):

Minimum energy (MeV) for any Fusion reaction to be counted:

Minimum energy (MeV) for any TwoToTwo (2-2) reaction to be counted:

Radioactive Isotopes: Excluded      Included

Nuclear Fermions: Exclude from feedback      Include with Feedback

Atomic Fermions: Exclude from feedback      Include with Feedback

For H, D, N, O, F, Cl, Br, I, Li, Na, Rb and Cr, which can form Dimers: Subject them to the above Fermion switches      Exempt them from above switches - always feed them back

Order by which the Nuclei table will be presented : (clear the box for order as found; or else, maybe 'order by Z, A asc')

Reactions Not Found: Excluded in Reactions Table (compact)      Included (full)

Enter the order by which the Reactions table will be presented (clear the box for order as tried; or else, maybe 'order by MeV desc'):

List of all E's in the active core fuel. Separate with commas, use single quotes e.g: 'H', 'Ni', 'B', 'N', 'Al':